Image 1 shows the rectangle made, the Vertex Editor selected, and the mouse cursor approaching the top left corner.
Image 2 shows dragging the top left "x" with the mouse to the right. Notice how the last selected point shows as a little red square. Also notice that there is no visible effect on the rectangle yet.
Image 3 shows the treatment for the other little "x" in the top left corner. This time we are dragging the x downwards. The rounded corners have appeared.
Image 4 shows dragging a corner to resize the rectangle.
The easiest way to see the difference is to make a sloping line (two point
polygon) on the left side of your page and select the Move mode in the Vertex
Editor. Move the Copies slider from 0 to 10 and back Repeat this in both modes.
Angle works similarly. The maximum rotation you can apply is 360 degrees (full circle). In normal mode, the extruded copies are distributed evenly between 0 and 360 degrees. In linear mode the total rotation from endpoint to endpoint can greatly exceed 360 degrees.
You will see the effect on scale better with a triangle.