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Introduction to Special Effects (Special FX)

Use SiteSpinner to create varied image and object special effects via the SpecialFX menu. Some of the available mouse over effects include:
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Traditional mouse over effects
Create mouse over buttons by having the mouse hide one object while showing another. For more, see the Button tutorial: Mouse over effects.

'Mouse' Button
'Over' button
^  Mouse me! ^
Template page
Template page
Template page
Template thumbnail
Mouse over separate objects or groups
Set the mouse over to display other objects, while keeping the trigger object visible. Group objects into a permanent group to hide or display multiple objects at the same time. More in the Special Effects tutorial.

More on SiteSpinner Templates (what you have been looking at.)
SiteSpinner includes many quality templates to help you get started.  Move your mouse over  << these images for more detail.
Template thumbnail
Template thumbnail
^  Mouse me! ^
And more
Other mouse over effects are available via the SpecialFX menu.

Other SpecialFX let you hide objects while the page is loading, and after the page has loaded. We cover this in the Special Effects tutorial.
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