SiteSpinner® Pro uses standard, Windows-based navigational and input techniques, accomplished by using a computer keyboard and/or a mouse.
In the unlikely event you are unfamiliar with using a keyboard or a mouse, refer to your Microsoft Windows User’s Guide for help.
Throughout the User Guide, you will find various instructional words or phrases to perform different tasks using the keyboard and the mouse. These words and phrases, which you will see presented in boldface type, include the following:
Click: Use the mouse to place the pointer on a particular on-screen object (such as a control on a dialog box, for example, the OK button, or a radio button) by dragging the mouse along a flat surface, thereby rolling the track ball underneath. Then, depress and release the left button on top of the mouse.
Select: Use the mouse to place the pointer on an on-screen object (such as a drop-down list or a menu), and then click to open a list of hidden items, which you can then click with the left mouse button to choose or activate. Occasionally you will use the same technique to activate an already-visible object, such as an item in a list box.
Click to select: Use the mouse to position the pointer on an on-screen object, such as an item in a list box, and then depress and release the left mouse button to activate the object.
Click to checkmark: Use the mouse to position the pointer on an on-screen option box, and then depress and release the left mouse button to place a checkmark in the option box. You may use the same technique to deselect (un-checkmark) a selected option box.
Double-click: Identical to click, but instead quickly depress and release the left mouse button twice.
Enter: Position the cursor in a specified field, using either the mouse or the tab key on the keyboard, and type (using the keyboard) the requested or desired data.