Clone Object

A clone is an object that has been copied and then pasted using the special clone command. Think of a Clone as an Include that can be moved or scaled (or rotated, shaded, etc.) independently. So if you have a company name that appears on the top of one page in red and on another in blue and very small on the bottom of every page in black, you can use a cloned Title and give each a different shading and scaling. Then when you fix a typo in the name all instances will change. You can’t do that with an Include, because the Include shares an object (which controls position scaling, shading etc).

A clone is a second object that shares a common geometry with the first object. (It may also share shading, if a shading is present during the clone process.) So, any changes to the geometry’s attributes will be reflected in both objects. Any changes in the object’s attributes will be seen only in the object that was changed.

The geometry’s attributes are:

The object’s main visible attributes are the transformations, such as the following:

The objects other attributes are all the other settings listed in the Object Editor, e.g., links, options components

An important point is that size is different than scaling. Size is the actual dimensions or the shape. Scaling is a multiplier applied to the size. So if you have a 10 x 10 rectangle with a scaling of X: 1 Y: 1 the rectangle will appear to 10 x 10. but if a the second cloned object had a scaling of X: 2 Y: 2 that rectangle will appear to 20 x 20

In that way, a clone of a rectangle can appear to be two different sizes if two different scalings are applied to the two different objects.

If you change the size of the geometry in the above example to 20 x20, you would see a 20x20 and a 40 x40 rectangle.

Clones can be handy timesavers when you are creating a series or set of like objects &endash; a panel of buttons, for example. You can create one button and then clone it multiple times. Then any editing or you perform on one button will affect them all.

The easiest way to clone a copied object is with the CTRL+SHIFT+V keyboard shortcut.

You can reduce the overall file size of your published web site by telling SiteSpinner® Pro to use only one instance of a resource to be shared among an object and its clone(s). Establish this setting before you clone an object by deselecting (un-checkmarking) the Unique Clones option on the Components Tab of the Object Editor dialog box. Then when you publish the project, SiteSpinner® Pro will render only one instance of the resource file (geometry, image, or media), instead one instance per object.

If the clones are different scales, rotations, etc. use unique clones. Otherwise, because the same image will be used for all, you may get unexpected results in the published page.

When you clone a selection of objects (i.e., a “temporary group”), SiteSpinner® Pro clones each object in the group, not the group object.

Cloning an Object
  1. Select the object you want to clone. For more information, see Select Object.
  2. Press the CTRL+C keyboard shortcut


    Right-click and select Copy


    Click the Copy button: in the File Bar


    Select Edit>Copy.

  3. Click the current page or a different page in the project at the position you want to paste the clone.
  4. Press the CTRL+ SHIFT+V keyboard shortcut


    Right-click and select Clone


    Click the Paste Clone button: in the File Bar


    Select Edit>Paste Clone.

    The clone will be pasted at the chosen position on the page.

  5. To paste additional clones of the copied object, repeat steps 3 and 4 as desired.

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