Clean Components

From time to time you might change your mind about certain objects or components that you have added to your project and decide you no longer want them. When you cut an object from a single page or from multiple pages, SiteSpinner® Pro removes all internal references to the object but retains the object itself in the resources folder. It does no harm there, but it can greatly increase the overall size of your project.

You can check for and remove orphaned objects and components using the Clean Components command. You can manually clean up your project, or you can require SiteSpinner® Pro to clean it automatically when you publish your project.

Cleaning a Project Manually

Clean a project of all unused objects and components at any time using either of the following commands:

  1. Select Edit>Clean Components, and then proceed to step 4.


    Press the ALT+O keyboard shortcut.

    The Object Editor dialog box will open. For more information, see Object Editor Dialog Box.

  2. Click the Components Tab.
  3. Click the Clean button.
  4. If you have unused objects in your project, a message box will open reporting the number of unused objects and asking if you want to delete them. Click the Yes button to delete them.
  5. If you have unused components in your project, a message box will open reporting the number of unused components and asking if you want to delete them. Click the Yes button to delete them.
  6. Click OK to close the dialog box. Your project will be cleaned of unused objects and components.
Cleaning a Project Automatically

Set SiteSpinner® Pro to clean a project of all unused objects and components before publishing your project using the following procedure:

  1. With your project open, select Publish>Publish Project


    Press the CTRL+P keyboard shortcut.

    The Publisher dialog box will open. For more information, see Publisher Dialog Box.

  2. On the Profile Tab, click to checkmark the Auto Clean Project File option box.
  3. Continue with the publishing operation. For more information, see Publishing Projects.

The Auto Clean option setting will become a part of the publishing profile you have created for the project. For more information, see Publishing Profiles.

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